
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

action jackson

well, the good news is i am outta my funk and getting things done. the internet in my room went on the fritz today, perhaps due to a divine intervention and forcing me to work without internet distractions...though, i must give myself credit for resisting the temptations of both an excellent novel and a renewed interest in the game reversi on my computer.

good thing i don't have snood.

so, i accomplished a lot on my (sorta overdue) portfolio form last semester this afternoon, and worked more on my thesis tonight. at goddard, we have many choices for what the thesis can be... a literature review, a new theoretical contribution to the field, a creative project, or an action project.

I am doing the latter. Here's my rough draft research question:

How can Southside Family Charter School use action research to create a job-embedded professional development program? (there might be another clause at the end explain what this PD program will do... to more fully fulfill our mission? to improve student learning? )

So, my homework for the advising session tomorrow was to prepare what i am going to present at staff meeting to begin this project.

The really cool thing is, I am using action research as my methodology for the thesis, but the thesis project IS starting the ball rolling for teachers doing even more action research about their own practice. so many layers. mmmmmmm.

not sure if this post is meaningful to anyone.

if you have any questions, fair (and possibly non-existent) readers, fire away. and, in the words of the mexican (google "ask a mexican" of you don't know who i'm talking about), make sure you make up a hilarious pseudonym, or i'll do it for you.


based on the drastic increase of comments on this last post, i have decided to start a hilarious pseudonym contest.

the writer of the hilari-est pseudonym (with a comment on this or any other post while i am gone) will receive... a mystery prize of vermont origin upon my return!


Blogger momo said...

Wow! That sounds amazing. And, at least to me, incredibly daunting. But that is probably because I have not read all the books you are reading/experienced all the things you have that have led you up to this moment. I think about every other day I comment to someone about how kick ass you are. So my only question to you right now is, when do you come home??? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Monday? I can't believe I failed to either ask you that or remember what you said. (sorry if it is the latter).

-daily inquiring about returning roommate, hoping everything aligns.

4:28 PM  
Blogger rootbeerlady said...

Glad to hear you are funk-free.

I am saddened to report that I did not know what "ask a Mexican" is but Wikipedia came to the rescue. Actually, I didn't remember what/who Action Jackson is/was so I had to Google that too.

The instant gratification given to us by providing answers to the many questions and associations raised by our curious (read: random) minds feeds into the need to keep checking, keep interacting, keep in touch with the power of the INTERNET.

You mentioned buttermilk a few days ago. Do you remember instant buttermilk? It may not be quite as good as real buttermilk but it's handy. They sell it at the LH Co-op so I know it's not junk. The other home ec kind of thing to do is freeze the buttermilk in 1/4 cup amounts in a muffin pan. When frozen dump them into a plastic bag and store in the freezer. Thaw as needed.

Rita Carlos

4:35 PM  
Blogger momo said...

ooh! RC, I never thought of freezing buttermilk! I love it! I feel like freezing things in usable sizes keeps coming up as a great way not to waste food and every time it is brought to my attention I am amazed I never thought of it (for that particular food) before.

So RC, I am hoping you can answer another question of mine. I have actually been meaning to ask you this for a while. My mom saw me thaw and then re-freeze a chicken breast one day and she looked horrified. She told me it was super bad to do it, that it ruined the chicken. But I have been doing this for quite some time now since I buy 4 frozen together and must thaw them enough to separate them before I can freeze them again individually.

Is this really a chicken no-no RC?

-concerned lovingly uncooked chicken karma

5:51 PM  
Blogger rootbeerlady said...

Momo, I didn't know the answer to your question so I looked around on the internet, of course. Scroll down to the section on thawing.

Maybe you could thaw the conjoined breasts (!) in the frig right away when you get them at least enough so that you can pull them apart. Then freeze them individually.

~hoping your food stays cold and your self stays warm in the days ahead

6:04 PM  
Blogger cate said...

i'm glad my studies have spawned these important kitchen questions.

nice acronym, mo!

i get back late monday night.

ooh, also i forgot to lovingly remind you to water the plants...

8:43 PM  
Blogger Julia Gulia said...

I think your thesis sound really interesting. It's nice for you to do something as a student teacher that will (hopefully) really help out for the school in the long run.

Sometimes I think I should get a chest freezer, so I can freeze more foods that I don't use effectively.

Just Using Loved Internet Access, Going Unto--Lo--Idyllic Academia

12:46 AM  
Blogger rootbeerlady said...

going over thrice, intellect taxed!

6:59 AM  
Blogger Brianna said...

SNOOD!!!!! that was your's and Ronan's CRACK! flashback. whoa.

10:06 AM  
Blogger momo said...

Caaaate (stern sideways glance), I believe you meant to say "nice acronym, DIARRHEA."


3:09 PM  

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