
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

"You have writing style that is engaging and interesting to read."

Har har. A direct quote from the comments on my last packet (yes! it came back much quicker this time.) mostly, school is going oky. i haven;t been working too hard since turning in the last one... but that's part of the process. soon i will wig out, then get back to work.

nannying follies: sometimes young julia doesn't want to get out of the car, regardless of where we are. i assume this is because i am so fun and entertaining, it is a joy to be in the car with me. once i said, "okay, we'll just have to stay in the car forever then!" now, she keeps repeating that when we're about to get out - "nope, we'll just stay here for ever and ever and ever!" yesterday, i pretended that i was so tired from trying to get her out of the car, I "fell asleep." (falling asleep is one of my best tricks.... comical snoring always distracts from whatever was making her put on the crabby pants. so today, she insisted that i "take a nap" before we got out. really, this is all in good fun, but has the danger of building into an elaborate routine and the neighbors will start to wonder why we sit in the car so long.

whew. trying to write about one idea for more than 2 sentances is hard. better make a list.
- i heart leaves.

-here's a link:

-i bought a bunch of schoolbooks online last week and now they are trickling in. it's like christmas everyday!

-my mom dropped off some stuff (shock!) including minipeanut butter cups from trader joe's. now, i feel like ralphing, because i have self control with candy.

-question: why do i hate trader joe's so much? choose one of the above:
a) shopping shouldn't be so cute and fun
b) i fear the new and unknown, much like young julia
c) i'm a jerk
d) people should just go to the co-op, where everybody knows your name. or at least they would if you went there more. okay, well, they know mine.
e) all of the above

ug. okay, enough for now.

fluxcapicitor, cate


Blogger Brianna said...

I hate to say it, Catu, but I would go with C). !!!!!!!

I still love you.

12:40 PM  

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