
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Saturday, January 13, 2007

off to vermont

well, winter break has flown by and i'm off to vermont again tomorrow afternoon.

tonight i am babysitting. kiddo was asleep within 45 min of my getting here so now i am half watching one of my most re-watched movies of the last few years: "to be and to have." it's a documentary about a one-room school in france. the kids are cute as hell of course. but i also love that the teacher is so kind and smart and good. even when he's grumpy he' still a placid pond of creamy butter. an inspiration.

i'm pretty mellow too, believe it or not.

the other half of me has been half non-essential internetting, half organizing my documents into a sensical system of folders and messing with NVU, this webdesign for dummies program. i am using it to create an electronic portfolio for my licensure stuff. this will take the place of having a huge binder with hundreds of pages. (last semester i wrote about 125 pages, and gathered at least 25 more of other "evidence" (letters, evaluations, photos,) of my worth as a pre-student teacher. i really like the idea of this e-portfolio, but i suck at this supposedly idiot-proof program. my advisor is running some workshops at the residency about the program, but they overlap with other workshops i want to go to. yes, i am the dork who wants to go to all the workshops. i am looking forward to this one especially:
Swagger and the Urban Male. Sinatra invented it. Ali perfected it. Snoop-Dogg's lazy drawl is saturated with it. What is it and what role might it play in the male teacher's identity and social justice? This workshop will examine men's identity development theory and the need to define, understand and perhaps embrace swagger in the classroom.

Okay. list time.

victories so far:

-confirmed ride from the airport to campus with buddy meredith.
-found out there is open yoga time on the schedule for this residency.
-realized my three weeks for working on packet one don't start til the monday after i get back, so i'll have almost a week to catch up on stuff like...

-didn't go to the u library to look for books as i have meant to for weeks now.
-like i said, e-portfolio is stalled by my laziness/inability to work userfriendly programs

-spend the necessary time while i'm out there finding books for the semester, so i don't have to do as much searching when i should be reading.
-take better notes about workshops
-be open to new people/experiences

okay, that's all for now, if i don't post more from vermont, take it as a sign that i am fully immersed in a wonderful world of dialogue, contemplation, snow, and delicious local beer and therefore unable to write.


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