
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Monday, November 13, 2006

monday miniblog

okay, i promised myself to start studying in by 7:30. so this is going to be short, and probably uninteresting.

-2 elderly relatives of mine passed away this week. lots of wondering about family, and closeness, and death.
-delicious dinner of leftovers tonight, including acorn squash with curry apple compote, and pumpkin lentil stew. the stew is from 2 weeks ago but i froze it and i've actually been reheating it and not letting it slip into the blackhole of forgotten frozen mystery items. glad to have at teast taken advantage of fall/winter foods a few times so far this season.
-really not used to daylight savings time.
-delayed turning my project in on time (today) due to deaths in the family and other unexpected things that have lead to busyness and general malaise. feel guilty, since theres been plenty of time i could have been working, but didn't. guess i need to forgive myself for not being a robot.
-have been a hermit lately and not communicated with many people i usually talk to. i'm sure in 3 (!) weeks when my semester is over i'll be a social butterfly again.
-tootsie is still really funny.


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