
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sooooo. or should i say, Sooooo.

Turns out I'm not as great at posting when I'm home. But, there's always hope for change. In fact, I'm challenging myself to get over my avoidance of the shift key, and actually capitalize.

Thousands of you have complained that I never announced the winner of my hilarious pseudonym contest... drum roll, Tito, please!

It's a tie! Winners are Mo, for "daily inquiring about returning roommate, hoping everything aligns" and Julia, for "Just Using Loved Internet Access, Going Unto--Lo--Idyllic Academia."

However, I didn't actually obtain any mystery prizes from Vermont... so I will compensate by promising to comment on all of your blog posts under a hilarious pseudonym... for the next two weeks!

In other news, I gave my first presentation about action research at staff meeting today. I have been thinking about it obsessively for a few days now, so it's nice to have it over with and have new fodder for my journaling... and obsessive worrying. It went okay, and we have meetings set for a couple small group projects. So that's good, and I'm happy that at least some people were willing to be my guinea pigs. I still have the feeling that several people are very skeptical and not interested in change. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll reach out to everyone, not just the people participating in the small groups, and see what they think of professional development... how they grow as educators, etc. Maybe a survey? It's hard to get everyone to contribute to large-group discussions, and I don't want to take up any more time at staff meeting than I have to.

Not sure if this makes sense, since I may not have explained very much about my thesis project before. As always, I'm happy to answer any clarifying questions... especially if you sign off with a hilarious acronym, of course. Or should I say, aN hilarious acronym?? It seems like people only say "an" before h words when the word is "historical," as in "an historical figure, Ethan Allen, led the colonists to victory at Fort Ticonderoga, and may or may not have also made furniture."

The quote above represents what you may have learned if you happened to have been taught about the American Revolution by your unsuspecting substitute teacher (cough-me-cough cough) last week.

Okay, that's all for now.

-Wow, I Need De-frosting, Can't Handle Iciness, Lordy Lordy


Blogger Brianna said...

I love that I actually heard that Ethan Allen bit from you, the da flesh! Oh, the honor. (It actually made me chuckle again, too!)

2:28 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Whoops. Forgot about that whole contest thing there, eh.

~A stunned, sorry human ostensibly late: "Egads."

6:18 PM  

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