
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Friday, July 28, 2006

hey i figured out how to get titles

well, here i am. still blogging.

it is supposed to get to 100 degrees today. screw you, skeptical environmentalist and everyone else who didn't believe in gobal warming.

now i'm off to go dump more co2 in the atmosphere to drive me up to a delightful lake home ... i'm part of the problem.

my yoga class got cancelled this morning due to "instructor illness." so i came back home, and was much more sucessful at really practicing than yesterday, realizing that i needed to replace all the seated poses where i fold over one foot - without other people to keep me present, i usually ended up spacing out, then picking at my toenail polish - not the point of yoga!

goal: begin schoolwork in a meaningful way withn the next 5 days.

went to the new central library. it rules! i feel very fortunate to have it since i don't have a real campus to go to...

Friday, July 21, 2006

what i should be doing:

-finishing cleaning by using the dreaded vacuum.
-replying to emails from goddard peeps.

what i am doing:

-starting things and not finishing them.
-wasting time on the internet.

in better news:
- i think my parents bought some land for a wilderness-y retreat of some kind. whoo-hoo.
- i have a job interview next week.
-nice cool weather for biking to my meeting at the co-op.

in worse news:
-i realized yesterday i have only been to the beach for sitting/swimming ONCE this summer. shame! but, i have also been outta town like crazy on the weekends. it's making this summer go by so fast. gotta go the the white sand beaches and chill. slow this mutha down.
-keep thowing money away by eating out.

in news of undetermined character:
-i seem to be blogging... i hope to keep it up, but i also hope to devote more time and actually think about things for more than 18 seconds and write more ... uh... thoughtfully.

but not today. i'm fried from little sleep and driving to sconnie and back.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

just a quick note, i know my vast audience is RABID for updates.

-doing good.
-hot a sweaty.
-2day headache FINALLY went away.
-have apaprtment.
-don't have job.
-master's study plan and fall semsterster plan are DONE! think.
- off to play cards and go to the dance. (hopefully not awkward)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


for some reason it's not giving me a space to title the posts anymore.
meh. title was never my forte.

it's raining and raining here. i wanted to go back to the library tonight, and actually look for physical books, not just citations. but... i don't want to carry my laptop in the rain. boo-hoo.
i'm getting stuff done here though, so it's okay.

i am proud of myself for working hard NOT at the last minute. i am living the dream.
here is a cool photo of me at the library computer lab, warhol effect courtesy my spiffy new laptop:

Well, it’s after mindnight… whoa, clearly I meant to type midnight but mindnight is cool too.

v.. tired again:

-ultimate frisbee game
- great workshops on ELL, dual language immersion, immigration (that is the theme of this residency – very relevant currently and important to me personally and the discussion is great since the student body is actually pretty diverse in terms of race and closeness to immigration)
- been having a pretty good time hanging out with folks after hours. There was a fire last night. Also, have really enjoyed a few conversations with people I’d just met… seems like the residency enables interesting/real/”deep”/honest discussions right away.
-good advice from returning students
-nice solo nature walk this morning in light rain
-feeling very excited about what I will learn this semester

mixed bags:
-very busy… want more down time but don’t want to miss cool workshops or fun time… also wanted to be exercising more
-haven’t felt very academically challenged by advising sessions… still interesting, but don’t know how to up the ante – maybe w/in the group this isn't possible… don’t want to be a jerk/teacher’s pet/pretentious

ugg. It’s late.

Tomorrow is: Workshop on electronic licensure portfolios, then critical thinking, then lunch, then advising time, then learning more about the library’s systems, then work on study plan and research and dinner and film discussion.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

first post


greetings from vermont.

i thought instead of journaling i would start a blog. will i keep up with it? will i reflect on my studies, or just degenerate into blabbing about daily minutia. will i be able to write in paragraphs, or return to my old friend, the list? only time will tell, dear readers.

the good news:

why was i nervous about this?? everything is going well. goddard is a place for me. there are tasty vegan options at every meal, and naked people in most of the class photos from previous semesters.
the group of new licensure students who i have met so far (returning students arrive tonight) are from varied backgrounds and are at very differnt places in terms of background in education studies. i thought i might be behind the game (can i say that??) because i'm doing a MA without a BA in education, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

UHHHH. i already failed to finish and publish my first post... as i was typing my roommate heather asked if i wanted to go swimming. how could i resist! it was hot and muggy so 7 of us piled in a truck and a car and drover into town, asked some locals, and had fun in a little brook that was pretty clean and very refreshing.

so. things continue to be good. had fun last night hanging out with new and returning students in the music building, which "continues to be the place for parties" according to the campus info posted in my dorm.

i dont know... don't feel like i have the patience to write more than "oh, x y and z was pretty good and stuff...." so i'll break here for now.