
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

fish! fish! fish!

I've followed Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl (former City Pages critic) to Minnesota Monthly, and was pleased to see how many of her selections for No-Guilt Fish (that aren't "nearly extinct and terrifyingly toxic" like the ones all over the news) are available just a block from my house at Coastal Seafoods.

Some of you may remember that I am not a big fish eater ... but, I'm a willow, and I just may bend in the direction of some local fishies.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

farm! farm! farm!

I am very excited to report that I'll be working as the summer chef at West Side Youth Farm and Market Project.

To celebrate, please enjoy this article about some other hipsters connecting sustainable farming to urbanites in another way. Check out the multimedia feature.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

this is my brain on procrasination

Fill in the blank
Originally uploaded by philsk8s
i just (re-)discovered i can directly blog other peoples photos from flickr. Phil and i saw this in Sweden. awesome. Want to see more of the pictures from my trip to Scandinavia? click on the little link over there where it says philsk8s.


Originally uploaded by aflamingstar
last weekend we went to the cabin in progress. it's gonna be great! here's dad and i practicing the fine art of imaginary relaxation.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Fun with Google

On Jordan Jesse Go!, a podcast I listen to obsessively like, Jesse mentioned that he googled a misspelling of his name (Jesse Thorne instead of Jesse Thorn) and found a New York Times article from 1887 titled, "Whipped Her False Lover; Jesse Thorne Gets a Lashing in a Jersey City Street." He broke up with his fiance, saying he couldn't financially support a wife. Later, she saw him on the street with another woman on his arm. She tracked him down and, "drawing the rawhide from under her cloak laid it vigorously about him." Hearing Jesse and Jordan talk about the oldtime-y language and the gossipy nature of it was hilarious.

So, I was inspired to google my own name, and found, after my school's website, a couple places I have volunteered, and proof that was trained to drive a 15 passenger van at the U eight years ago... this! It seems the State University of New York at Buffalo has among its many research centers, a Center for Applied Technologies in Education (CATE), and a Center for Applied Research in Library & Information Science (CARLIS).


So, dear readers, if there were a research center that had your name as an acronym, what would it be?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Do I Need TechAnon? It's a Real Thing!

Here's some irony... after a night of on-and-off productivity, working on the next thesis chapter due next week, I came across this - Mark Bittman, who writes the Bitten blog I mentioned in the last post, wrote a piece about taking a weekly sabbath from technology (or at least media/communications technology, he's not forgoing the microwave or lightbulbs or anything.) But, a link in his article lead me to a long stint of poking around this blog and then her flickr pictures... including this one:


It's too much! Too cute! Even though I hate olives!

I'm going to bed.

more food thoughts

I've been reading Pollan's In Defense of Food, (thanks, mo!) and therefore thinking a little bit more about what I eat, a little more suspicious of all those unpronounceable ingredients... just in time for girl scout cookie season.

Also, reading this opinion piece, and thinking about what it would be like if national food policy encouraged sane eating.

Made this soup:
it turned out good, but think it would have been tastier if I had roasted the tomatoes longer... I was hungry and impatient. This blog, Bitten, is just one of the many food blogs that I've been reading lately... I guess it feels like less of a waste of time than snooping around myspace or many of the other things that have somehow seemed worth reading. And where else would I get new recipes to try?? My many cookbooks are so high up on that shelf...

Dreaming of spring, sunshine, and farmer's markets.
