
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Saturday, March 01, 2008

more food thoughts

I've been reading Pollan's In Defense of Food, (thanks, mo!) and therefore thinking a little bit more about what I eat, a little more suspicious of all those unpronounceable ingredients... just in time for girl scout cookie season.

Also, reading this opinion piece, and thinking about what it would be like if national food policy encouraged sane eating.

Made this soup:
it turned out good, but think it would have been tastier if I had roasted the tomatoes longer... I was hungry and impatient. This blog, Bitten, is just one of the many food blogs that I've been reading lately... I guess it feels like less of a waste of time than snooping around myspace or many of the other things that have somehow seemed worth reading. And where else would I get new recipes to try?? My many cookbooks are so high up on that shelf...

Dreaming of spring, sunshine, and farmer's markets.



Blogger Brianna said...

hell yes!! damn, those are some tasty lookin' tomatoes! can't wait for sprrring!

1:29 PM  

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