
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Friday, August 31, 2007

i should re-title this thing "Reposted Videos from Slog"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

And now for something completely different

Let me break from this goddard photos to post this video.. I quote Dan Savage, "This is some fucked up shit right here. Rudy Guiliani in drag again—but this time in lion drag. Purple lipstick, headdress, yellowish-green blush. And there’s a whole welfare subtext going on that some folks might find, oh, vaguely racist."


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

rainbow break

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
In the middle of the cabaret (talent show) people started noticing there was an amazing rainbow outside and going to look. when the current musicians got words, the declared a rainbow break so everyone could go see. it was very goddard.

rainbow break 2

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh

our skit for cabaret

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
the four of us on the left pretended to be freshman considering rushing the goddard fra-rority, a co-ed greek organization that has keg parties ... of organic blueberry juice! and you have to turn in your own initiation plan explaining what hazing means to you! etc.etc. har har.


Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
After the Cabaret, one of the professors gave a salsa lesson.

Swimming Hole

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
Sadly, I never made it swimming this year... I guess I was too busy being a square and going to workshops.

Photo 2

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
This one has Sidney (aviators), and Winston (often said to resemble a young Castro.)

Test of Posting Photos from Flikr

Originally uploaded by ninnyleigh
Through the magic of facebook, I found someone's photos' from the last residency, so i am going to see how easy it is to post them here.

This was a nice sunny afternoon, and we took many silly pictures. Clockwise from me are: Sheldon, Kenyada, Meredith, Kristen, and Emir.