
"education is not the filling of a pail. it is the lighting of a fire." william butler yeats

Thursday, December 28, 2006

yule blog

well, i haven't blogged much lately. christmas was good. i chrocheted many things, maybe there'd be pictures of them if phil's camera battery worked.

one highlight was going to the holiday pops concert at school - i can see this feast and joyful singalong becoming a much more emotionally fulfilling annual yuley community tradition than i ever found at church.

still unsure about the meaning of my blogging... as in, why do i do it? who reads it? what's the point? it's kinda fun how many people i know have blogs now, i guess... but but i dunno.

anyway, with no internet at home, my time for blogging is unpredictable and sparse... like the body hair of an old man.

so... i leave you hanging, blogosphere... be well.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

winter breeeeeeeeeeeeeak

so, my semester's over. i'd probably have written more but there's been no internet at home for a while.

-no more homework-avoidance induced guilt
-i completed a semester of class without having class or assignments. i feel very self-acualized
-i'm planning on making a mix for the first time SINCE THE NINETIES
-i heard some stan freeberg on kool108. please respond if you have heard of him... i think no one outside my immediate family has.
-i got an unlimted month yoga pass, and i've been practicing a lot more... the benefits are exponential from more frequent practice
-Me and julia's holidayfestivalofmerrimentandcomfortandjoy is destined for greatness
-I don't suck at backgammon as much anymore
-Christmas presents. AAAAAAAAAAH. You are all getting crocheted animal ears. or nothing.
-Christmas cards. will i send them? every year i say i will. but then fail. over and over.
-stupid grey crap weather
-How will we live without the cat when corey takes him back?
-We are getting the paper while our land(lady? person?) is out of town. this is mostly good, but i can't not read katherine kersten's column. i forget about her... and then she's still there! writing offensive tripe!

i'm vaugely unsatisfied with this post. next time, i'll be more interesting... or i won't! wait and see! oh the suspense!

love, typey mcblaberson